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Origins of our clan

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Origins of our clan Empty Origins of our clan

Post  [NWA]GrannyG Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:09 pm

Around like 4 years ago or maybe even more i was sitting in icq and i was looking for someone in random chat to play pool with,thats how i met Assassin,later i think like a year ago we decided to play samp and then after some time Assassin introduced me to a freeroam server runned by a guy named Ste,we were playing there quite a lot and we formed a clan named RG (real G's),the people we met on that server were Peter,Obscene,Madrat,Anarchist,Reaper and Braduz (a guy who constantly provoked verbal fights and was hated by everyone on the server but was friends with Assa) there was also a really annoying hacker named Snake that was friend with Pete and was against Braduz,Ste and pretty much everyone else,after a while a girl named Cassitas joined the server also (which is also a member of our forum and my friend) and also 2 guys,Jojo and Pear Head,then after around a year or 2 years Assassin told me that hes going to play GTA 2 with his friend and invited me to join,that friend is Eazy,after i met Eazy we were playing GTA 2 quiet a while and then switched to samp again,we all played together at Ste's server as a clan then like a year after Ste changed the server from freeroam to Cops an Robbers,meanwhile the RG clan fell apart due to the fact we didnt got members then one day Assassin and Eazy decided to form a clan and call it NWA in honour of a vice city clan Eazy played with and invited me to be a leader,some ppl on CnR joined the clan but then left it for some reason or left the server at all,after some time i started being more active with recruiting members,thats when i met Adam and asked him to join,Adam and me made friends with [SP]abbe who played on the server,also a guy named raymond joined the clan (his current nick is Top) as our clan got bigger more ppl wanted to join,after a while abbe decided to make a server of his own and me and Adam played on it for a while,thats when we became friends with Hannes and moved on his server due to the fact he knew a lot about scripting,we played less and less on the CnR server and then Ste closed that server and opened another one which was CnR server also,then one day Ste came on our server and suggested me to be the main admin on his previous server,i got excited since that server was actually open 24/7 and agreed to his offer,then we switched playing on that server but clan members for some reason wouldnt join and also only Ste could script the server but he was too much busy to deal with that and his other server at the same time,due to these circumstances i talked to Hannes and we decided to move back to his server with all the clan,meanwhile i decided to create this forum for our clan then since the clan left Ste's server he decided to let Braduz to run it and thats pretty much all the story.

If you want to share the history of your clan with us then feel free to do it.

Posts : 8118
Join date : 2009-10-17
Age : 38
Location : mean streets of London

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Origins of our clan Empty Re: Origins of our clan

Post  [NWA]Adam0795 Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:17 am

*clap clap clap* it touched me Crying or Very sad

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Join date : 2009-10-17
Age : 29
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Origins of our clan Empty Re: Origins of our clan

Post  CRAZYshadow Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:19 am

so exiting pale xD

Posts : 37
Join date : 2010-02-19
Age : 30

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Origins of our clan Empty Re: Origins of our clan

Post  [NWA]GrannyG Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:59 am

LOL i know right? Wink

Posts : 8118
Join date : 2009-10-17
Age : 38
Location : mean streets of London

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