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fofo lenk come to here if you have eggs!

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fofo lenk come to here if you have eggs! Empty fofo lenk come to here if you have eggs!

Post  [NWA]GUNZ Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:07 am

fofo lenk you are ***** whos need to kill!you are the pidaras whos need to die today!madafaka your mom is a ***** and her job works likes a ***** in the strip clube you not who are you and your family you are son of a *****,your mom push to her pussy sticks and stones you are madafacka get f**k *** boy your mom and you are two terorists
whos need to kill right now!

pidaras lashok sucka gavno yobanaya blet!!!!!!!!

I know he's been racist tho you should control yourself - 1 week ban (flaming)

Posts : 40
Join date : 2009-10-18
Age : 30

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fofo lenk come to here if you have eggs! Empty Re: fofo lenk come to here if you have eggs!

Post  [NWA]GrannyG Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:25 pm

Ok we draw the line here cuz this is just makes more hate on both sides Evil or Very Mad

And pls whoever ban him write ur name with red letters,topic locked!

Posts : 8118
Join date : 2009-10-17
Age : 38
Location : mean streets of London

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