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Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan)

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Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan) Empty Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan)

Post  Roy Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:37 am


we made again an funny SA:MP video. It's 15 minutes long, have fun! ;)

Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan) Pictures_u756_8eb2ae

Last edited by (DFE)Roy on Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:32 am; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 70
Join date : 2009-12-25
Location : Germany

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Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan) Empty Re: Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan)

Post  [NWA]Adam0795 Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:15 am

lmao, that "Holy Pork (?)" really got me

11:40? wtf? oO

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Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan) Empty Re: Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan)

Post  [NWA]GrannyG Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:44 pm

Let's just say that i'd rather watch with no sound at all than listen to german rap,no offense.

But on the off topic i've given up on SAMP,it's pure crap..you can't race fairly,you can't deathmatch fairly and there's retarted hackers all over the place,f**k that.

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Age : 38
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Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan) Empty Re: Funny Stuff VI (by DFE Clan)

Post  Roy Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:20 pm

[NWA]Ali_G wrote:Let's just say that i'd rather watch with no sound at all than listen to german rap,no offense.
Everyone has their own taste in music and that's a good thing. I know many German people who don't like German rap too. xD
I would just say in the video are only 2 parts with "real" German rap, first at 8:57 and the second at 9:35. The other two parts like 3:48 and 12:47 aren't real German rap and say the authors themselves. It's a mix of "Psychocore" and just rap (not HipHop, that confuse many people).

[NWA]Ali_G wrote:But on the off topic i've given up on SAMP,it's pure crap..you can't race fairly,you can't deathmatch fairly and there's retarted hackers all over the place,f**k that.
I know what you mean and I am also your opinion.
It's just the clan that keeps me in SA:MP.
For this reason we play just only for fun or make some event's in the server etc.
We have completed clanwars but we continue with deathmatch.


Posts : 70
Join date : 2009-12-25
Location : Germany

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