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bigfoot mod

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bigfoot mod Empty bigfoot mod

Post  [NWA]oOo_ROOCKY_oOo Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:59 pm

this is a mod a great mod we can all download it and go to the woods without attacking contry lol. and we spelt up and and evre1 try to find the bigfoot and if he find it he call hes frined and say i found a bigfoot. but we never ues cleo 3 bigfoot mod cuz when i tey it he lit the game stop. so tack here a link u can download it on sa mod insllter.
after download it so smply when ur WinRar open just copy all the files in ur foldor
(created a new foldor) after that u will have to end the missoin `D` in the map when u finshed all (when u kill the 4 bigfoot) play samp and u will see the bigfoot standing not movieing if u hit him he will attack u.
eazy way to find the bigfoot in gta sa (not mp) just lit the time out and there will be vegos icon in the map there is the bigfoot. and we have to post in /help like:if u want to play bigfoot mod u have to download it on [link] and u have to end the mission `D` all to bee abel to play in this mod. and guys if want hung out in the server talking about this game or we ready to play in the bigfoot mod we need u ali to tell us the ok and i will be ready to KILL THE BIGFOOTS!!!!

Posts : 1812
Join date : 2009-10-28
Age : 30
Location : saudi arabia'jeddah


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bigfoot mod Empty Re: bigfoot mod

Post  [NWA]GrannyG Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:05 pm

When u said u have a bigfoot mod i thought u were talking about the cars. Oo

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Join date : 2009-10-17
Age : 38
Location : mean streets of London

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bigfoot mod Empty Re: bigfoot mod

Post  [NWA]oOo_ROOCKY_oOo Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:20 pm

lol no man iam talking about the BIGFOOT u know if is that work can we do a movie like KMA its will great and the shark mod too like the JAWS movie its will be so great

Posts : 1812
Join date : 2009-10-28
Age : 30
Location : saudi arabia'jeddah


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bigfoot mod Empty Re: bigfoot mod

Post  [NWA]Hannes Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:05 pm

cant put this mode on server either, sorry Sad But it may work if all download it Smile

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Location : Sweden


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bigfoot mod Empty Re: bigfoot mod

Post  [NWA]oOo_ROOCKY_oOo Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:13 pm

its ok no proplam but i want to tell u some thing eazy tell get out from our clan what i have to do

Posts : 1812
Join date : 2009-10-28
Age : 30
Location : saudi arabia'jeddah


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