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Time Dilation

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Time Dilation Empty Time Dilation

Post  IceCube113 Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:32 am


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Time Dilation Empty Re: Time Dilation

Post  [NWA]Hannes Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:54 am

Seen it before, the electro waves from the car radio disturbs the watch, this is fake Surprised
He maybe had it at low volume so you couldnt hear it? Rolling Eyes

EDIT: Nvm last row, the car radio always gets waves so you can hear radio directly when you start the radio, it recieves waves even if its off

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Time Dilation Empty Re: Time Dilation

Post  [NWA]Adam0795 Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:02 am

This video is fake, he got too much time difference.

"If you plug in numbers for a 48 hour round trip flight at constant speed at the equator, you get -260 ns and 156 ns for the eastbound and westbound flights respectively."

But oh well... I don't think he would measure nanoseconds with that stopper xD Besides I guess he don't feel like driving around for 48h What a Face

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Time Dilation Empty Re: Time Dilation

Post  [NWA]GrannyG Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:58 am

So is there such thing as time being slowed down when you're in a vehicle?

I personnaly don't belive it.

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