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October 2024

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memories Empty memories

Post  [NWA]Hannes Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:03 am


jokes aside guys, let's meet up outside the city hall in las venturas for the yearly new year spam! lol! i have of course turned the anti-spam off so we can all spam things like happy new year and set off fireworks! memories 406616 afterwards we will go to michael at the bar to get drunk drunken before we go to our fab houses in angel pine for an after party, after that we'll head out with snow mods and snowmobiles so we can have a race in bayside before we'll end up at the christmas tree at pershing square Very Happy

merry christmas and happy new year to you all, even though we won't be able to celebrate it together like we did in 2010 cheers

found adam's old channel so we can get nostalgia from our old movies lol https://www.youtube.com/user/Adam95O7/videos

Posts : 1624
Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Sweden


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memories Empty Re: memories

Post  [NWA]Top Sun May 15, 2022 12:19 pm

How i miss the old days, time flies by cant believe it's been that long


Posts : 91
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 28
Location : lakeland,florida

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