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Server freeze...

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Server freeze... Empty Server freeze...

Post  IceCube113 Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:00 am

Just happened yesterday while I was playing with Hannes, every now and then the server would completely freeze for about 10-20 seconds and then unfreeze again, I think it might been the radio feature, 'cause whenever I unfreeze again I see a bunch of those messages saying where the stream is coming from, anyone else having this problem?

Posts : 2598
Join date : 2010-02-14
Age : 27
Location : Internet, Europe

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Server freeze... Empty Re: Server freeze...

Post  [NWA]Shadowmaster Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:37 am

Yes, I do. And yes it is because of the audiostream.

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Join date : 2010-01-25
Age : 28
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Server freeze... Empty Re: Server freeze...

Post  [NWA]Hannes Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:19 am

IceCube113 wrote:Just happened yesterday while I was playing with Hannes, every now and then the server would completely freeze for about 10-20 seconds and then unfreeze again, I think it might been the radio feature, 'cause whenever I unfreeze again I see a bunch of those messages saying where the stream is coming from, anyone else having this problem?
I'm not having it, but its because of me trying to loop the audiostream several times.

[NWA]Shadowmaster wrote:Yes, I do. And yes it is because of the audiostream.
and yes I know and yes you don't have to write like that

Posts : 1624
Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Sweden


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Server freeze... Empty Re: Server freeze...

Post  IceCube113 Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:25 am

[NWA]Hannes wrote:
IceCube113 wrote:Just happened yesterday while I was playing with Hannes, every now and then the server would completely freeze for about 10-20 seconds and then unfreeze again, I think it might been the radio feature, 'cause whenever I unfreeze again I see a bunch of those messages saying where the stream is coming from, anyone else having this problem?
I'm not having it, but its because of me trying to loop the audiostream several times.

Oh I see...

Posts : 2598
Join date : 2010-02-14
Age : 27
Location : Internet, Europe

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Server freeze... Empty Re: Server freeze...

Post  [NWA]Hannes Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:37 am

Some people wanted the stream to loop in class-selection and inside alhambra so I have to create a timer that checks how long the song is and plays another one after but this f**ks up if you go afk

Posts : 1624
Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Sweden


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Server freeze... Empty Re: Server freeze...

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