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i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god

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i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god Empty i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god

Post  [NWA]GrannyG Tue May 31, 2011 4:54 am

Ok so there's this one forum called FXP right,now even though it says in the rules of the forum not to post videos in your signature people just do that without a problem..besides that,everyone swearing freely so guess what happend?One guy opened up a thread where he was asking if he should do his unboxing vids in English or Hebrew now....people there open up stupid ass topics like "are you buying this game cause it comes with a beta code for another game?Ofcouse not duuuuuuuuuuh" like that's litteraly what he wrote in that one topic..but anyway,i enter this guys topic and all of a sudden i see comments like "what do i care about what language you gonna make the videos in?I don't like your videos and your voice just sucks" so i was thinking like wtf,why there are so much negative comments on this particular stupid topics while there's sooooo many others being made everyday and no one complains..so i saw a comment of this one guy and you could just tell he's full of himself so here's what happend,a couple days ago i saw his post in the forum where he was asking people to help him increase his K/D ratio in MW2 so i just said to him "what's the matter?Bitter because of your MW2 K/D ratio?Why don't you go beg people some more instead of actually getting skills" and he responded to me with curse words and such so then i responded to him again and i didn't even use one curse word,now meanwhile there's this other dumass responding to me i had a beef with for some time now and he responds to me with swear words and i respond back the same and then he says something like "i'm just laughing at all your comments you g*y" so i decided whatever,then another guy makes a post and then i make a post saying "ok..i think we discussed on this topic enough already,why not just lock it" and then i get banned and it says "you're banned for insulting a forum member" like what are you kidding me?!People swear on your forum each day and i apparently insulted him by saying that he should use the kind of language he uses in the monkeys cage he's living in?Well EXCUSE ME and guess what..now i'm browsing that forum even though i can't post and the guy who left that comment is banned too apparently BUT that one other dude who called me "g*y" just got away with it..and that guy was banned THREE times already in the few weeks i've been on that forum and everytime he comes back guess what?!He starts flaming all over again!!And i'm pretty sure that admins noticed that cause he flames a lot more compared to everyone else,i guess the admins just don't want to lose an "important" member like that..it's like wow,when will they finnaly make a decision to give him a permanent ban already?

Posts : 8118
Join date : 2009-10-17
Age : 38
Location : mean streets of London

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i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god Empty Re: i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god

Post  IceCube113 Tue May 31, 2011 5:42 am

I don't get it, why did you even visit the forum if you dont like it....

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i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god Empty Re: i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god

Post  [NWA]Adam0795 Tue May 31, 2011 6:43 am

Yes, I can imagine that K/D ratio is a very sensitive topic among MW2 players. You must have really offend him there Razz

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i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god Empty Re: i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god

Post  [NWA]GrannyG Tue May 31, 2011 4:47 pm

IceCube113 wrote:I don't get it, why did you even visit the forum if you dont like it....

For the laughs...and to pwn these kids who ask what platinums are everyday,i just tell them it's a sort of material,even though i know they're asking about the PS3 trophies,besides my friend is on that forum.

btw that MW2 guy apparently made a new user with the same name and admins don't even care.

Posts : 8118
Join date : 2009-10-17
Age : 38
Location : mean streets of London

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i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god Empty Re: i got banned from the most idiotic forum in the world,thank god

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